• Do you think they'd do one for me? Like what's their deal? im sorry i really like pixely things lol
    Okay come by whenever! By the way, just making sure with you I'm missing a blue rose & the hair now wig,, did those by any chance happen to be in your inventory? Just making sure if it's a glitch because I don't see them anywhere :/
    Sure! I don't mind if he is unoriginal or not! Feel free to come by though c: my gates are open for you <3

    Edit: there are freebies on the right side of my train station!
    I have a couple of roses, black lilies, and pink & white carnations. May I note that there are carnations when you enter my town. Please don't pick those! I have other bushels of carnations you can pick from though c:

    Also, gates are open!
    Hey I'm ready for you now :)
    You didn't respond to my last message so if you still want you can come by now. I'll open my gates once you respond ^^
    No it's fine, you gave more than enough! Is there a specific hybrid I can get you?
    I'll take it from here :)
    Thanks again! <3 I'll message you in a couple minutes or so to get my town ready for your arrival.
    Haha I can see that, even if I don't win Zucker it's fine c:
    But I insist you come to my town to come flowers picking for your kindness :D
    Hi, if you're still interested in the moving, nice, scenic, solemn, and wistful paintings for 75 TBT, my gates are open for you now. I'm Dino from Paradise.
    Heyo! It's Monday, so I'm just leaving you a little reminder that I'm still waiting on payment for the mayor chibi >v< It was 100 TBT.
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