• Hello, seems pretty hard to catch each other due to timezone differences. What's your timezone and when are you usually on?
    Okay if you insist! But if you find something you really like let me know! I don't mind giving you some free stuff :D
    Aww >~<
    I can't except that! That's to sweet honestly, I can't except anything just like that!
    Ahhh okay I see thank you :)
    Just let me know! I'll probably be available all week! Thanks again~
    Oh my gosh :eek:
    Are you serious eeeekkkk your extremely kind x)!!!! Ik in the middle of eating and I have only 1 space currently. If that's okay with you? You don't have to but that's really sweet >u<
    Oh well gosh thank you ;w ;;
    Its no problem at all! I love giving stuff to people, im just looking for Zucker or Marshal doubt anywho has them :<
    Thank you though :)
    Just sent them. :)
    I want to make sure that everything is ok before using the code just in case something weird happens.
    your inbox is full. I have your friend added and will open my gates when I see that she added me back
    Not a problem, thanks for looking anyways! c: If you want to open up your gates I can drop your stuff off~
    Alright. I'm just gonna quickly deliver somebody's order, but let me know~
    Your order is all ready. c: Just let me know when you're gates are open~

    And are you still interested in selling Becky's pic? Because I can do 40TBT. Or 37 + your order, aha.
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