ZebraQueen Jan 13, 2016 Oh ok...... but Julian it's glitter? Btw I just made a very cute drawing but it's not letting me post it anywhere with my phone
Oh ok...... but Julian it's glitter? Btw I just made a very cute drawing but it's not letting me post it anywhere with my phone
ZebraQueen Jan 13, 2016 I want to show you an image but the thing doesn't want to work well so here the page https://www.google.com.pr/search?q=julian+the+unicorn&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&source=android-browser&biw=360&bih=345&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPhZPFy6fKAhWM1h4KHTMfAlcQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=AJEuCFvvnYnp_M%3A Don't know why but it seem fitting for you
I want to show you an image but the thing doesn't want to work well so here the page https://www.google.com.pr/search?q=julian+the+unicorn&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&source=android-browser&biw=360&bih=345&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPhZPFy6fKAhWM1h4KHTMfAlcQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=AJEuCFvvnYnp_M%3A Don't know why but it seem fitting for you
ZebraQueen Jan 12, 2016 Hey I add something to the contest if people don't want to draw they can make a poem about her <3
ZebraQueen Jan 12, 2016 Will trade tomorrow or very late My brother rook my 3ds -.- to play smash with his friends
ZebraQueen Jan 12, 2016 Well yeah I have Flowery painting Basic painting Jolly painting and Moving painting
ZebraQueen Jan 12, 2016 Hey buddy do you need more arts? I got more I'm missing 5 but you can have some if your missing
H H homespun Jan 11, 2016 i'm having some trouble connecting. i'll keep trying for a bit, i hope that's ok.
ZebraQueen Jan 11, 2016 Btw while I change the game when I enter to your town I need to tell you something private but it's an idea I have of a contest
Btw while I change the game when I enter to your town I need to tell you something private but it's an idea I have of a contest