ZebraQueen Feb 1, 2016 The problem with it I'm not happy anymore So I just have A and B when my mom want all As
ZebraQueen Feb 1, 2016 No its ok I'm used to it The want me better than enough my brother which I am But they don't see it
ZebraQueen Feb 1, 2016 With a lot of pressure from my parents. .... thinking to escape once I graduate
ZebraQueen Jan 18, 2016 No It's not the cow parts it the thing that doesn't fit you but But she reminds me of the thing you told me that you were
No It's not the cow parts it the thing that doesn't fit you but But she reminds me of the thing you told me that you were
ZebraQueen Jan 18, 2016 https://www.google.com.pr/search?q=tipper+the+cow&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&source=android-browser&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7xtDVsbTKAhXKqR4KHcaHBeQQ_AUIBygB#imgrc=ZSaHJbr0JVB8pM%3A
ZebraQueen Jan 18, 2016 Hey want to see an animals that fits you and doesn't fit you at the same time?
ZebraQueen Jan 18, 2016 Yo Thomas can I put some on items on your ground and then pick them up I have to out some stuff from my bf to mine again
Yo Thomas can I put some on items on your ground and then pick them up I have to out some stuff from my bf to mine again