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  • I dunno man, would've maybe preferred the porn since one person having fun in that picture is dead and the other is crippled.

    And I don't know where you're getting my extra birthdays from, I don't think I ever changed it and if I did it was to mess with Kayla and she's been gone for some time now.

    Appreciate it though mate
    who said you were ever gonna wear my awesome costume? youre going to dress up as a dirty troll from homestuck. theyre annoying, out of fashion, and boring. like you.
    hey you know what you should dress up for as halloween? i know a costume that matches your personality. i think it fits. you should come to my halloween party too so i can dump you in the garbage and roll you down the street so you trip over a rock and die
    W h at. D: Then why does the sign outside clearly say you sell fruit ? D: hmm my eyes must be going..

    Its alright ^_^ and how come? Keep practicing and perfect your original creative way of making amazing signatures =)
    go on tumblr or something and talk to me please i need your help hurry!!!
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