radical6 Oct 26, 2014 i know right so now will you admit that pitbulls are the superior dog breed to corgis?
Nightray Oct 22, 2014 so im inlove with jake's midna signature. GAHDAMN you are a god at signature making! I want one <3 ;(
so im inlove with jake's midna signature. GAHDAMN you are a god at signature making! I want one <3 ;(
Nightray Oct 22, 2014 hai sir im here to buy some glorious apples for my lovely shinigami and i heard you carry the best :L
hai sir im here to buy some glorious apples for my lovely shinigami and i heard you carry the best :L
Hal Oct 18, 2014 It's been. Alright. I just recently got ACNL so I figured it was time to hop back on here.
Minties Sep 18, 2014 Aren't you always sleeping or eating though? Haha. Man I can't wait to get internet. You're probably miles better at tf2 than me and will shame me.
Aren't you always sleeping or eating though? Haha. Man I can't wait to get internet. You're probably miles better at tf2 than me and will shame me.