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  • Yep. I have more than enough. Not planning on using my TBT with anything else.

    And thanks.
    Well, the thread got a tidal wave of positive votes and feedback. Lot's of folks are highly interested in it. I will be making the first SOTW this Sunday at 8:00PM PST. I'm not asking for the staff to make this official, but I'd appreciate it greatly if you'd sticky the threads when there are people submitting signatures and voting on signatures. After the 1 week, they'd be closed and un-stickied. I believe having these be temporary sticky threads would increase the participation greatly. If not, I understand. I'll just bump them whenever they aren't on the first page.
    Ah, right. I do recall that. Well, I'll probably make a poll and see how many people want to do it. If it gets a lot of attention, then it's game. If not, eh. It's whatever. Just trying to think of ways to get the community here to be more active in terms of GFX. Like I said before, I think it'll be fun and it will get a lot of attention. I'll make a poll sometime later today and see.
    I'd ask you why the name change but then I saw the posts below. So yeah. Nevermind.

    On a more serious note: Has this site ever done SOTWs? I'm maybe thinking of starting one up (me being the host of course and not participating in it). Perhaps it'll spur more activity in the museum section. I think it might be fun. I noticed I've inspired a lot of people to get into GFX because of my gallery and shop. Because of that, I believe it'll get a ton of participation in it. What do you think?
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