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  • Hello~ Im interested in your safari! Is it possible if you could add me back please? :)
    I think most in the fairy type group are OP. Those Gardevoir, man...
    Slaughter is all that needs to be said.
    Even old dogs can learn new tricks, haha
    The multiplayer aspect of pokemon is a WHOLE different game. You set yourself up for murder unless you know what you're doing!
    Nice to see it so lively though, don't get me wrong

    Lame, hope you get well soon buddy. Sucks getting ill around this time of the year. The weather can be awful.
    We should have a battle one of these days. Teach me a thing or two :p
    This place has grown so much in activity, I'm almost afraid to sign in sometimes lol
    How are you, man?
    My dad grew up in Chicago so we're all big Chicago Cubs fans, too. Now there's a team that will consistently break your heart! lol

    Yeah and I'm just hoping for a miracle on Saturday...but OU is 5-0 and UT is I'm not holding my breath :p
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