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  • Dang, completely forgot about the Sooners for a second. Ehh...but you're not an Aggie so we're cool. :)

    Well UT plays OU next Saturday, and let's just say that it's going to take QUITE the miracle for UT to win. :( All I really pay attention to is college football, mostly because that's all anyone talks about on campus. (even when we suck...which has been a lot lately!)
    Hmm so if you were raised to dislike the Longhorns, I'm assuming you were raised an Aggie...? If so, I'll try not to hold it against you. ;)
    OK thanks for the help! I think it should be a sticky though I don't want to keep bumping it and people could still see it when I'm not online to bump it! But if you believe different that's ok
    Hey I seen you looking at my thread you must of got my report so is my thread OK? Does it need to be deleted or moved? Or maybe it needs to be one of the stickys XD
    Ok this next negative wifi rating is definitely unfair. God knows I did not deserve it.
    I literally spoiled this girl, and got her whatever she wanted. From items, to flowers, to rare items.
    I caught her making a mess in my town, taking my wet suit and wearing it, then throwing it down somewhere. So I tell her about it, and she was rude. Telling me that she could've just took it, I'm lucky she didn't. Saying that she didn't have time for ocd nonsense.
    She's known to wander my town, without saying one single word. and I let her do just that, I trusted her. I'm noticing things missing from my ground, and I asked if she took it. Now she's mad that I accused her, and left me this rating.
    Everyone knows that I don't deserve this, all I did for her was good deeds.
    I wish I had the proof, but we only spoke over Skype. I actually loved her like a friend, til she suddenly became rude.

    If you can help me, that'd be great.
    This is the rating she left me:
    what. i barely ever use video or calling. I just text lol. It's much easier faster c'moooon. we can make a group chat with horus and night. :)
    Sorry, wish I did =/
    It was so long ago, it's lost now. It was back when I had like 30 positive ratings.
    I never consider it a true negative rating, I've never caused trouble for anyone on this forum. If you can't do it, I dun mind :3
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