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  • Hey friends! I've been at camp like 3 weeks now! All is well, but I have no spare time to log on here.... Hope to hear from you all soon!
    Toads, did you ever unload that emerald birthstone? what was the date on it, if you have it still??
    I'm here for a sec! Mostly!! My toddler hates when I go on the PC she climbs on me and yells at me LMFAO sorry what I'll do is load my game and go to my station, then I'll ptu the DS in the cat tree out of her reach, and I'll keep checking it for your gates! :D
    Heading up to midnight, gotta go to sleep soon my girl will be up about 6am XD I think you've been held up with work, hope to catch you tomorrow, I will try and check in during the day again but I've got a baby shower to go to so not sure but I will be online in the evening! :)
    Watching for gates, hoping I wasn't too slow to see your message! Toddler should wake up very soon she almost never naps this long XD
    Ah lol! She's still asleep O___O but it's all good she'll hopefully still go to bed on time!
    ('Cause it says you're online lol otherwise I'm still aiming to be online after she goes to bed ^_^)
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