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  • Got you added, life is so random with a 1 year old but I will make attempts to be online if I can during hte day tomorrow, and I will make sure I get on right after she goes to bed!!
    Yes, I'll be right over! Could you please add this FC: 2680-9662-0317 (I'll be using his 3DS this time) :)
    Hi there, I'm available to pick up Hopper now if you'd like :) I'll be free all afternoon so let me know when is the best time for you!
    Good news, I've been able to clear the void and make room already :) So as soon as I'm available tomorrow afternoon (max 2 PM, should be around 1 PM eastern) I will let you know!
    OK I'll start working on making room tomorrow morning. I have lots of things to do since I have to boot her from both the town and the void :p Maybe tomorrow afternoon? I don't know what time exactly, but I will PM you as soon as possible.
    Wow that was quick :) Thank you for PMing me. I will have to make room in my husband's town, since Victoria is only scheduled to leave on the 15. I will have to time travel tomorrow to get her out. I have 24 hours to pick him up from what I understand?
    Sorry for the wait, I'm ready to come back now ^^"

    I don't usually disappear after I drop milions of bells, but my husband got home and I had to hide to continue the transfer (I'm making him a surprise, I want him to think he got Molly "randomly" :) I have the rest of the money and will be right over!
    Just a few more minutes, I'm giving him a call to make sure he hasn't anyone. I'm pretty sure he's never had a villager move out, but I really want to make sure you don't get any of our junk (especially the likes of Al) :p

    And I still insist for the 5 TBT tip ;)
    I'm so sorry for the wait! I cannot seem to get Al removed from my void! He just won't move in my second town, and I can't find anyone with 10 villagers -_-

    Since I cannot get a clear void on my main character, I will have to transfer the funds from my old character. If you don't mind, I will make two trips to your town with my husband's character (I will first empty his ADB then come back with the rest of the money from my other character that I will work on transfering from my old character meanwhile). Don't worry, I won't touch Molly until you're fully paid ;) I also insist on tipping you 5 TBT since you're so patient with me!

    Sorry this is so complicated :) Anyway I will be ready to make the first trip in a few minutes, can you open your gates?
    Ok then, not a problem :) If needs be, when Hopper is in boxes, I will time travel in his town to get Victoria to move out, she's his least favorite anyway. If it's in a few days, she will have moved out naturally anyway.

    Sorry for the wait, I'm desperately trying to get my secondary town to "catch" Al from my void since I don't have access to a 10 villagers town right now. It probably shouldn't be too long.
    OK, just leave me a minute :) I will have to empty my void first ^^
    Do you mind if I pay the 7 milion bells with my own mayor, then come back with my husband's to get Molly? This way I wouldn't have to first transfer the money to his game :)
    Hi there :) I'll be around in two hours or so, and I'll be available all day! I will bring the IGB with me. Can you access the ADB from another town or do you have to put the money in your locker? ^^ Thank you very much!
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