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  • Adding you now! :) I'll keep an eye out for your gates but would appreciate you telling me when they're open.
    You're very kind, thank you! ;v; I've been searching for her for a long time, but I've had a hard time finding her since she's low tier. I'm pretty much free all the time (sadly, I am unemployed atm), I'm up from like 9am - 1am EST.
    you resetti'd me u brat. all that music i bought is gone foreverrrrrrr.
    Sorry, I didn't wanna say this on the thread but I'm relatively new here and I don't really understand TBT :I I wasn't desperate for Jacques, but I see now you have Glayds! She's a huge dreamie of mine, I love all the ostrich neighbors.
    "oh god im sure tae hates your user title lmao"

    confirmed. nah justkidding.
    ohh I see what you mean. then yeah you should be good. =]

    whats weird is that in the beginning of plotting Nana, I did have a 2nd character house. I TTed back and deleted it after plotting her a few hours.. just to see. and then TTed forward again and she started plotting in different spots.. o.o there is definitely something thats programmed into the game with plot resetting, i just dont know what it is. ):
    anyways lol, good luck!
    oh dang but then that means you cant build anyhthing ): cause isabelle will complain about needing to delete the bench haha
    but you can still make a new character and put a house, so that works!
    assuming your game is on the same day as irl, then yeah. just tt with isabelle, or your 3ds clock.
    it HAS to be the exact day though. if you go on the day before, he'll plot. i only recommend doing it if youre 100% sure when you invited him
    while you're already early in it, i would suggest tting back to the day you invited him and building something
    or making making a new character ? like in the spots he likes to go/where you dont want him

    id do that but i honestly dont even remember when i invited her.. fml
    tbh i was doing it like constantly for ~6-8 hours, for the first 2 days. now i just do about 10 and give up.

    but, i need Nana to go exactly in the 3x3 spot cherry was in.. so im very particular lol :c
    yeah, there's a bit of evil in us all, that's for sure.

    oooh, yeah finding styles you want is hard. the one i got is really simple, that's why i liked it a lot. i kind of wish it was maybe a darker gray instead of light gray but i still dig it. <3
    "omg, you ooze Slytherin to me!" that better be a compliment or i'm gonna slap you, son. :^)
    i'll definitely bail you out of jail if you're arrested for beating up children at hp world. LOL.

    i've got some buddies in virginia, i'll just kidnap you and drop you off at the park. don't forget sunscreen holy **** FL is hot idk how someone can live here. i'm so tan now i feel like a different person.
    i'm so sorry i just really like to argue. i guess that's why i've found myself really into mafia recently. lol. i'm still sorry. i'm pretty.. aggressive? omg.

    and gosh, i would have gotten a robe if i didn't already get a lovely slytherin pullover. but i'm happy with my choices. i'll probably take pictures in it later for the wdyll thread so kai can yell at me. haha. i'd kill to see you clothesline kids to play with magic.
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