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  • it's really cute, honestly. like, they did a great ass job re-creating diagon alley, and if you're really into it, the cute interactive wands you can buy is really adorable. even though i'm in my 20s, i still ran around and waited in lines of kiddies to "cast my spells" because it was cute.(i got sirus' black's wand.) butter beer is ****ing amazing and i'm already looking up recipes online to re-create it because **** that stuff is great. omg. it's got tons of people in costume and full character, and althought the 3D styled rides literally almost made me puke, i had a lot of fun! there's robe shops, and you can even convert your money to gringot's bills and spend them around in the shops. ~

    all in all, it was cute if you're into that kinda thing and can play around with things in public and not be hella embarrassed. i was embarrassed a lot, but it was fun.
    I just found out that I can get my charger tomorrow so could you please hold onto her until about 7-8:00 am when I can pick her up?
    Ready to take Tangy! I have the 4 mil in my bank account. I'm going to do the drop method.
    oh nice! yay, glad you found him. i was starting to feel bad really. it's literally almost near impossible to sell villagers and my mind is literally exploding at the amount of cycle threads in the past few days. so i give fang like 4 days until someone buys him -_- lolll.
    hamlet is being stubborn hahah
    i swear half my villagers anchor themselves for like 40 cycles and then finally decide to move. its annoying ):

    but yeah, gives you more time to find the other 2 so =]
    Yep that's fine with me.
    Coco is about to move out of my town, and you might get her though
    meh of course peanut moves in and right out..
    i really dont hold villagers in boxes that long that arent being lurked so, will void in like an hour and let you know~
    do you see him anywhere on main st? or maybe try sitting on the town tree.
    regardless you can try and if it doesnt work i don't mind waiting while you cycle a few more.
    Hamlet is in my cycle town!
    Its him and a bunch of auto voids.. so i should have him available asap
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