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  • Toad
    I need help I'm making flower heart
    But I did it with rose but I need opinion with it
    Can you come to my town and check it?
    Whaaaaat !!! Really??? Omg....that would be amazing!!! I just got Felicity from someone cause I love her and I didnt want her to be I need to make some time travel tmw (since at here is 4:11 am, dont ask why im awake XD) OMG!!!! I cant still believe it? How much would this person ask?
    hi! Sorry for a late reply! But I am free now :3 we'd have to go to my bell town first for you to get the bells then I'd go onto my other game and get ruby if that's ok :) my FC is 3497-3383-9125, what's yours?
    LOL!!! I remember back when I first discovered the VTP. I had no igb or tbt and refreshed Judaai's cycle town probably 200 times so that I could get Chief. =) (His cycle town was free, FCFS.) People don't know how to lurk nowadays. I have to go track 'em down and beg them to take their dreamy.
    I'm sorry for late reply
    do you still want Diana or already got her?
    Lol. Whichever you prefer. Want to try the other way first? I can just leave my gate open for him while watching shows. If he never shows up you could grab her later tonight or tomorrow. I don't mind either way. Just figured you had people to cycle too.
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