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  • Hey, are you still looking for Ken? I've got you down as lurking for him in my cycling thread, and he's just moved in :]
    Let's do it later -.- I was going to the train station now
    But light just left me like right now
    i do the same thing all the time while i'm laying in bed, i used to do it all the time before bed when i was in school :>
    yAY I finally got a good ping! I'm gonna move her out, clear my void & then I'll be ready if you're still up!
    agh I'm so sorry for making you wait, I'm trying to kick my two undesirables out but fauna keeps wanting to move instead -_- thank you for holding her for me and I will try my absolute hardest to have a space by morning!
    Did you get the Resetti message? Maybe you could open up your gates and I'll deliver it again?
    Not sure yet! We'll see how it goes. Was originally going to reset, but I've had this town since launch and couldn't bear to erase it. Thanks for the kind offer! ^^
    I actually just opened up my town after not playing since November. :eek: It's a bit of a barren wasteland; everyone left haha.
    Ok, great! If you're asleep we can definitely trade tomorrow! I'll let you know when I'm ready! Thanks c:
    I'm sorry but I can't trade right now :c I'm out now and will be back in 1 and a half hour, is it ok for you then? If not I can wait until tomorrow c:
    No problem! I forgot to respond earlier because a friend wanted me to play some Pokemon Showdown. Catch you later then!
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