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  • cool! well you can do whatever you want with them now. Spam away if you so desire!
    no, I don't play feh. but I have heard great things and maybe I'll try it one day!
    lol you actually stopped at the first one? that's awesome! Put it up lol
    i think that's just for what kind of treats he comes back with. I need to give him some of my fortune cookie dupes
    It stops opponent’s cooldown. It is a suggestion because common builds nowadays rely on fast charging specials so they dish out specials at you a lot. With guard, you slow down their charging or stop them altogether as long as you are within the HP threshold(80% above if I remember correctly). For example, I’m running a Nowi with guard. Opponent with a Brave Lyn chooses to attack me. Let’s say B!Lyn is using Draconic Aura for her special. It starts at cooldown 3 if I remember correctly. If I’m running guard, her special won’t charge as long as I’m above HP Threshold. So it will remain at 3 the whole time and she can’t get to hit me with Draconic Aura since it won’t charge. My Nowi’s special will charge unless that B!Lyn is running guard as well. When using skills like Steady Breath to speed up charging, guard will reduce the charge to 1 instead of 2 slowing down the charging.
    awesome! yeah, the fruit hat was one of the only items i liked in this event. I only participated for the leaf ticket rewards and essences.
    Oh that's dumb. I just said i don't mind what message, and would you like one too?
    Thanks for those majestic scramblers!! Thanks to you I have the table! :)
    NO problem! Do you need any more floral or striped eggs? I still have a few leftover. And I have plenty of dapper too if you want those
    Now if there's anything I'm trying to sell, it has got to be the Kappn doll and winter mittens.
    it's 11/02/17 9:27 am. But I also have a purple candy from 10/30/17
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