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  • Sorry I didn't see this till now. Unfortunately I'm really busy today and don't have my ds with me. Good luck though! :)
    Sorry I didn't see this till now. Unfortunately I'm really busy today and don't have my da with me. Good luck though! :)
    I actually like the final boss feather! But if I was going to choose another one, it would probably be the sweet feather, which is already sold out. I guess everyone likes pink better than purple. Their loss!
    Thanks! Surprised that the glam feather squad only consists of you, me, and one other person so far. I feel like people will probably settle for them though once the sweet feathers are gone
    I should be available for a while, but may not get to you right away, so just let me know when you're ready
    Yeah, tonight would work better anyways
    Sorry for the constant delays
    When tonight would be best for you?
    I'll probably be on
    Well, we can try sometime after 11am fair time, that should work
    Otherwise, sometime after 10pm tomorrow then
    Well, since you're not on now, do you think sometime around after 10:30-11 fair time would be fine? May vary, have to go to marching band soon and I have now clue when that'll be over, soon or late
    Just let me know what works, tomorrow is always there
    yeah, I'm happy that only you and 1 other person have bought a glam feather. The sweet feather is definitely the more popular feather of the ones that cost 20 tickets. and then there's the physical prizes which I'm not interested in at all, which is good for me!
    I'll probably end up getting some unlimited feathers too with the leftover tickets. they're all pretty cool too!
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