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  • You were pretty good! I panicked for the first half of the game though because I forgot to turn off items sorry about that :p
    Ah that makes sense xD EV training is a pain tbh and everyone says its easier on sumo but i never knew why lol
    I should be available, later today, either from 4:30-6:30pm or from around 11pm-4am bell tree time
    Do any of those sound fine? Otherwise, I'll be available most of tommorow. Just let me what works for you and I can work around that
    Congrats! It looks great!!! Pretty awesome that you got the first one! Only 10 more to go for me I hope they're not all gone by then
    yes I've already done the weekly one with just flat color. I know what I want to do for the main one but I dunno if I have time/can pull it off. But we shall see...
    Haven't done any trivia or championships yet, but might try later. I'm doing all the events except irl pixel art or the cooking one. And I'm going to try to do all the contests. So much to do so little time D:
    I have moon rip.

    I never really looked into the festival plaza shops all that much tbh, it reminded me of Join Avenue from BW2, but I didnt enjoy it as much ;o
    Seems legit xD I had no idea you could get white hair if you beat the game lol

    Im still on the first island, I have finished it before but I restart and then got bored with all the hand holding it puts you through haha
    Ill probably end up buying USUM though cause Im a saddo and I sold my soul to nintendo
    So, now I am in losers bracket for Smash and Pokémon. Though I am mostly playing for participation tickets, so whatever. ;p
    I'm not sure yet. I haven't actually beat Moon yet. I am on the third island, but I get distracted by breeding and wonder trading. Though I found out that you can have white hair if you beat the main story which would look great with the tram skull outfit. *challenges elite 4 just to decorate trainer*
    I rewatched some of the video to see that I was uploading the right one lmao, I genuinely really hate the festival plaza.

    Hopefully ultra sun and moon dont have it! Are you planning on getting them?
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