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  • I hope that your studies are going well~ Yeah sadly university can take up a lot of free time //sob
    I don't see anything wrong with your username girl it's fine xD Mine is jujupetal (it's my nickname irl) I sent a friend request just now
    Yep it's true! I got Roy, Ryu, and Lucas today but they cost money though

    Yeah aside from tbt I haven't seen you much on tumblr either ;A; Do you use Skype? Some of my friends have one so I'm gonna finally make an account for it tomorrow~ except I dun think I'll ever use the mic because I'm shy as heck and can't do things like that ahaha

    huehue I'm going to listen to the clearao drama cd this week along with the noiao one
    Sorry for the late reply! My internet went out for a while because of a storm that hit

    It would be nice if Clear could visit your campus and protect you from the rain with his umbrella ahaha xD Also good luck with driving lessons!! I still haven't attempted driving yet but I have been studying a driving book every now and then~ I'm just anxious that I might not know what I'm doing on the road tho because I am terrible at learning stuff like this
    Oh wow I never knew that omg

    That's good that you decided not to live at a dorm, dorms aren't worth it yo. During second semester my friends were so tired of the dorms and they wanted to move out of there asap. Does it snow where you live? Where I live it can be dangerous to drive to college in the winter because of all the snowstorms we get, sadly~ Plus walking around campus while it's freezing out is not fun lol
    My mom knows about my Clear cosplay but not about the doujin I just got bwahaha
    Also is it true that people can't look at spoiler bubbles on Bell Tree if they are on their phone? I'm not sure because I always just use my laptop to go on here, my phone sucks anyways and can't browse the internet very well lol

    Are you planning on living at the college dorms or driving to school? I don't have my driver's license yet, but my bro and I would make similar class schedules and then ride in the same car to and from college. I never considered living in a dorm tho because I'm super shy and I don't think I can handle living with someone else in such a tiny room
    Good luck with school and stuff!! Usually the first week of college is pretty easygoing, I hope that it's like that at your college as well (*´◡`*)

    Oh man did she see those pics??? xD
    That sucks that you got an infraction, a lot of the users on here take things too seriously and report stuff like trolling

    //uses umbrella to grab the fluffy wig back//
    I'm back from the anime con, it was so much fun!! During the dmmd photoshoot this Aoba gently held my face omg
    and for the first time there was a Shiroba and Beast!jaku ahhhhhhhhh
    also got another clearao doujinshi~ I'm gonna have to hide it somewhere tho
    sorry for all the pics, a lot happened yesterday huehue
    Hello Fartard ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    I love Splatoon it's so fun covering everything with colorful ink huehuehue a lot of players have leveled up more than me though //cries// I haven't put in as many hours as other players yet~ I forget if I asked, but do you have a Wii U?

    I'm super excited because tomorrow I'm going to an anime convention as Clear and there's gonna be a dmmd photoshoot where all the dmmd cosplayers get together to take photos yayay♪ I had to get a new Clear wig because my old one wasn't fluffy enough, but the hair on the new wig ended up being so long and it took over an hour for me to cut it omgg
    That's really great that you have Fire Emblem now!! Is it Fire Emblem Awakening?

    I got Splatoon for Wii U a few days ago and have been playing that and SoS for the most part. If you need help improving your Spring crops I can come over~

    also congrats on your confession to Reager LOL
    I like the outfit that my avatar is wearing right now but my bro said it looked like a dress (the pants are almost same color as my avatar's skin lol) but yeah hopefully some of the other outfits won't be too difficult to make~

    Thanks for the tip♪ I'll make lots of Gold Linen Cloth bwahaha I have so much Flax on my farm and it's almost ready to be harvested

    Also I read that you can buy Alpacas in Spring Year 2, I need to catch up soon so that I can get that along with Suffolk Sheep
    Thanks, it's one of my favorite artworks that I have drawn this year◝(⁰▿⁰)◜finally I'm improving my art skills bwahaha

    omgg you're in year 2 already, I'm jelly~
    I've been trying to get to Spring Year 2 so that I can get a Suffolk Sheep from Cabin Country. I love making outfits but most of the patterns require Suffolk products, I think
    Same here, I've been on summer break for almost a month now and I've mostly just been playing video games, drawing, and dmmd lolol I need to find some more productive things to do

    Yeah that's true that Virus and Trip aren't twins like they are xD And I can give you some tips and stuff about coloring digital art! I'm not as good as the artists on tumblr but I've been using digital art programs for years. Recently someone on here wanted me to draw their Animal Crossing mayor and here's how it turned out
    Reminds me of that one time when those twin girls met Virus and Trip omg
    That's really great that you're getting a drawing tablet soon!! I saw your drawings on fb and I thought they were so cute~ I have a drawing tablet that I use quite a bit, I'm planning on making some dmmd art this summer I have so much free time haha
    Ah I see, that's really nice of that person to give you 3 gold online~ I just got my gold from my bro lol. And yeah I saw that post on tumblr omg I wonder if she just found Aoba on Google Images or something, I feel sorry for her too haha
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