Hey, girl! I can come over and drop off the items anytime today. Also, I found an “Electric Sign” in storage I can give to you as well! Let me know when you’re one. C:
> complain about this whole shower install process
Nah~ you know I complain MORE, about way MORE silly stuff than you do! xD
I'm okay, just seems like getting stomach flu. Nothing serious!
I don’t know exactly what I would like to see mostly in the new animal crossing. Maybe because I’d like to see too many new things implemented! XD I think they will surprise us! There are going to be features we don’t even imagine, I think! The only thing I’m sure it’s that it’s going to be amazing. They are taking a lot of time to release it, it will be a bomb!
I hope this doesn't sound rude, when I'm real tired, the image of you, big mama mode, it helps! I think it's because I haven't had a mother in general term. So. Yes hugs are already helping me big time! xD
However I'll be on & off from now.
Thank you! I’m glad you like the name! If you ever need signatures or anything, let me know!
I’m so curious to know more info about the new AC. We can only imagine how cool it will be! With improved features and graphics. I really hope we will be able to open restaurants and many different shops! What would you like the most to be implemented in the new game?
I’m good and recently started a new town cause I was bored. It’s called Gelato! Next year I’m gonna get a switch for the new animal crossing. But I’m never leaving New Leaf! I’m happy to se you again after all this time I’ve been away from the forum ^^
Smily hug! xD So sorry for pestering hug so often if it's creeping you out; Some tiring stuff has been on going and I needed it uwu. Btw, now it's like no place on the ground bc weeds. Lmk when you can pop in!
I'd say a normal walk today. An abrupt stop half way through and towards the end, by then I gave up and carried her home as we were almost there anyway. You opening?