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  • My Nook's has the white brick exterior today! I got so excited when I saw it!

    EDIT: gah, my Nook's closed! Sorry about that! If I happen to get it again, I'll tell you earlier!
    Keep your gates closed I'm 100% sure all those bells are yours! Thank you so much! There might be a day I take you up on that :) Same for you. If you see me on I'm always down to help out fellow ACNLers ^^
    No! You keep it. I had a really good day at the stalk market so just spreading the love~ Plus this was the last item I needed for my house so I was really happy :) You are so kind for offering!
    Thanks again! Left some bells by a rock to the right and a little below your train station. Somewhere where a path wasn't around

    Edit: Also forgot to bring my umbrella :( I like the rain in ACNL unlike real life haha
    Thank you! Your town is not showing up in my town list unfortunately. Your FC worked fine. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Edit: Nevermind. Heading over ^^
    Hey valzed, odd question- could you please do me a smol favor? I need someone to like the very top post on the second page of my art shop so that I can get a direct link to it in my notifications q.q Just when you get a sec.
    LOL awww & thank you so much! <3 I'm on my way! I'll open my gates for you right after I'm done from visiting yours! c:
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