Variety.Gamer 4438

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  • Yeah, I can touch trade you Zacian as well, but I’m going to need Zacian back. I’m ready to trade now. What’s the code?
    Hey there! Your Turtonator and Deino are ready. Just let me know when you’re online to trade. :p
    Yeah, sure thing. Do you want any specific natures, abilities, or IVs on them? I’ll go ahead and breed the two for you. :)
    i actually just got a snom too! its just drampa i need but a friend is helping me get him so i'm all good. :) my dex is nearly done
    thanks again for the trade. send me over a list of sword exclusives you need. I have shield but i'll see what i can get you :lemon:
    thats perfect, just setting up a trade. use code 7385 - and that's really nice of you - thanks :lemon:.
    i only really need the ones i listed in my post as im really close to completing my dex - and no problem, happy to help. :) let me know when youre ready to trade
    i think i have most of the sword exclusives i could breed you, how about a farfetch'd or a stonjourner? i actually don’t need espeon now, just caught one in my wild area! so just 1x touch trade for flapple, and trade you an exc. for umbreon - sound good?
    hey greenfrog, thought id send a VM so u got the notification :). id love to touch trade flapple, and for umbreon and espeon are they for me to keep?? if so what could i get u in return?
    Sure. The reason why I put a limit is because I wish to share them on my blog, and there is a 10,000 character limit on blog entries. I will give you credit for the essay because I plan on writing two blog entries on contrasting opinions, like a documentary.
    cool, thanks for the info! that will definitely help me out when i shiny hunt applin :)
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