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  • Hey I just sent the mori, hopefully the message is okay! Any message on the popper is fine : )
    Hey greenfrog! Just to confirm, we still up for the mori/popper trade? If so, I might wake up a bit late and send the mori an hour or two after token distribution at 4pm est if thats okay x)
    I talked to Seona, who is the one who gave me the Alcremie, and she doesn’t know and neither do I, so I wouldn’t try it xD. Better to be safe than sorry.
    I don’t think so. It was a gift from a friend, but since I already have a Gmax Alcremie now I didn’t need it anymore. Enjoy! :)
    You’re welcome! And thank you for the Dragon type Pokemon! Now I can continue working on raising my team to be a competitive monotype Dragon team. :D
    Hey, so sorry for the delay! I actually fell asleep and took a nap because I’m feeling sick. Looks like we keep missing each other. Let me know when you’re online and tell me the link code, and then we’ll trade. :)
    hi sorry for the late response! but it's currently lemons and retail is open for another 1hr15 min, approx.
    Ha, don't worry about it, go ahead and get the turnips, she's by Wolfgangs Place, not Chiefs. I'll be around town but feel free to go on, I'll save.
    Hey, gonna open Foraoise again now, you can go on and find Joan, also, Rex has been scanned into camp if you want to go see him!
    Thanks for sharing! I'll try and visit today and let you know what I think! I've hopped back on HHD at the moment to plan out my rooms :D But I'll do it when I go back on!
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