Dasbreenee Nov 17, 2014 Just so you know. I believe acnl is on sale at target for like 25$. And it'll probably go down even more on Black Friday or around Christmas time. :3
Just so you know. I believe acnl is on sale at target for like 25$. And it'll probably go down even more on Black Friday or around Christmas time. :3
Yumeko Nov 17, 2014 Awww the trade doesn't take long, you know ;w; Yeah I should be available tomorrow.. message me, when you're ready
Awww the trade doesn't take long, you know ;w; Yeah I should be available tomorrow.. message me, when you're ready
Yumeko Nov 17, 2014 Hi do you still need the famous mushrooms (2x)? I could open in a sec if you're available!
Skyfall Nov 15, 2014 Thank you! Yes, i love blue candies, lol. I was actually here for a lot of the stocks but i never managed to get one. I had to buy them one by one, lol.
Thank you! Yes, i love blue candies, lol. I was actually here for a lot of the stocks but i never managed to get one. I had to buy them one by one, lol.
The Pennifer Nov 11, 2014 Thank you, Hun! It feels very good to an avid Collectionist to complete my collection! Lol.
ObeseMudkipz Nov 7, 2014 Hey you can come over and get those 10 purple roses now c: i'll open my gates once you respond. Look for lumious
Hey you can come over and get those 10 purple roses now c: i'll open my gates once you respond. Look for lumious