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  • There is going to be one later today I think that's what Justin said haha.

    There was a countdown this morning, Idk about later today :O
    There was some drama going on so Justin closed it. Last night there was a green candy restock and this morning there was a red candy restock which I managed to get 5 :D (the rest are being given away in my halloween thread)
    I added you and you can come to my town. My FC is in my post on the villager sig thread. I never have memorized it yet, sorry!
    Hi I just wanted you to know I adopted Phoebe from asuka because you weren't online to claim her :C I took her into my cycle town and I will be able to get Phoebe to you a lot faster!
    Hey, I have Mira. She's not moving yet but I can let you know when she pings??
    Are you still offering a kitchen island for two orange roses?
    (I saw your post in a thread in the ACNL forum.)
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