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  • Yesssss I love Cranston!! He was in my sister's town, I met him as I was running around to help her pick up random stuff before she reset. Saddest part about the reset LOL. But I was able to track him down about a few weeks later, he's such a cutie!! Poor thing lives across town from everyone else though
    So sorry about that, Gamefaqs isn't as easy as TBT -.-
    Adding you back, ready when you are!
    Hi, seems that the servers are back to normal.
    I see you're offline though, so just lemme know when we can trade :)
    Hi, so the servers are down for the 3DS (and Wii U).
    So I guess when things get back to normal with the 3DS Friend's List, I'll contact you :)
    Sorry for the hold up for the ores, still struggling to get online for some reason while I'm trying to trade with CrispyCrisis. I'll let you know when I'm ready to trade :)
    Congrats! You are the winner of my mini-japanese letter collectibles giveaway. :) Sending you the collectibles now. Enjoy!
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