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  • Okay, add 5386-8019-3149! c: Julian just moved out of my town so there's a chance he may end up moving into yours. He's not original, and I don't recall Streetpassing anyone so if he does move in, I hope that's okay. D: But I'm free to come over right now, I'll add you!
    Sorry i had to go offline for a moment but i will send you the Pumpkin Cupcake in advance!
    Haha no worries. I can always get her tomorrow, I am off at 5pm and will be on all night =) We will go from there. You're the sweetest.<3
    I'll be off of work and home by 630pm eastern time for Felicity. I may stop by on my lunch time. Talk to you soon!
    Sorry love! I was folding my clothes and totally lost track of time!!! Thanks again for the set! <3
    Hey, I saw your thread, I'm doing a trade right now and will use the zodiac set..could I please buy it off you..? diamond
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