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  • **Sorry, remembered I'm going shopping. I'll be on sometime in the evening, maybe around 4:30-6 pm and then at night at around 6:30 and for a few more hours. Pretty sure I'm going shopping in the afternoon
    Thank you, gahh benedict just had to move in and ruin everything T.T but Im going to work and fix it so that my town was the way it was except with 2 new villagers I like! thank you for doing this for me!

    do you know why Phineas isnt showing up? I have traveled over 500 timess!
    awesommeee!! are you sure? I already laid out the bells and I got a lot of igb anyway!

    Let me know when you have the two numbers, added my fc, and ready to come to my town
    if you want to pick up the bells!
    Hi! Pretty sure I alrdy have you added. Helping someone transfer stuff so my gate is open. Come on over. Thank you so much!
    Only just saw your post for the mossy floor. I'd love it! please ty :) VM me when you're on and I'll open my gates. :)
    Sorry for the late reply, but thanks a bunch for the birthday wishes! :)
    Have a good day! :D
    Oh you're so sweet, thank you! I'll be on 12-1pm EST. If that doesn't work, let me know when you're free and I'll keep checking back :)
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