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  • Sorry for the late reply, but thanks a bunch for the birthday wishes! :)
    Have a good day! :D
    Oh you're so sweet, thank you! I'll be on 12-1pm EST. If that doesn't work, let me know when you're free and I'll keep checking back :)
    hiii ^^ is tia still available? i would love to adopt her! <3
    sorry for the late reply btw :-( i was out for lunch
    Thanks so much again for Fuchsia! <: Sorry I couldn't help with Rudy. I actually voided him accidentally! But if there's ever anything else I can help you with, just let me know and I'd be happy to do what I can!
    Waah really? That's super nice of you!! :3 Every time I see you on the forums, you're giving something free for another user, that's really awesome of you! I feel bad not giving anything in return, especially when you're always so nice to others! : D
    Aaa I am still looking for her and would very much want to adopt her from you! :D Thank you so much! I can give you TBT for her or possibly get you some items if you're looking for something! I'm available whenever. :)
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