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  • if you go forward one, that'll plot her house, if you go forward again, that's when she's in boxes moving into your town, if you go ahead once more, she'll be moved in!
    okay! so that's in your availability right? i currently have someone adopting right now, are you free afterwards? :)
    hiya! i just want to make sure i've converted our times right -- what time is it for you?
    No problem! You said you wanted everything except the top and the wig, so I thought you meant except the wig too. I'll get that for you, then :D should only take a minute!
    It was my understanding that you didn't want the Callie wig. Did I misunderstand? I can get it if you'd like it.
    Yes, I love her very much! Aw, I hope you'll be able to get her soon :) Keep an eye on the Villager Trading Board so that you don't miss her (that's how I got her)! Good luck :)
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