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  • I read "Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas" yesterday (I think you asked me about it a while ago) and it was great! Spoilers ahead: I love how one of the chapters sums up most of the original novel's plot, despite being make-believe in a mini golf course all along. Petey and Lil' Petey's interactions are definitely the main highlight; they were hilarious and yet sweet too. 😭
    omg the Glamrock Freddy plushie... he looks so silly I love him!! hehe thank you for thinking of me! the Mew plushie and the keychains you got are so cool as well!

    I'm sorry your trip to the Big E wasn't entirely good. having to wear a harness and walk for 25 minutes all while playing drums sounds exhausting, and being watched by drunk, racist people on top of that sounds nightmarish. I'm glad you didn't hear anything that was said, but I'm sorry that others did and that things were said at all. people really do suck sometimes. 🫂

    I'm glad you were able to have a nice time before all that happened, though. 🫂🩷
    Hi Yoshi :D! I hope you’re doing good today! Also wanted to tell you that I like your lineup! It looks really cool! :D
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    Hi Dun! I’m doing good today, thanks for checking in on me! I’m glad you’re doing better too. 💙

    Omg thank you so much! I’m really happy with how my lineup turned out too! 🥰
    I’m really glad to hear that :D. I hope the rest of your week is good too! 💜 Thanks so much too! ☺️
    I was thinking: If there was a Disney vs Viacom contest with select characters being the participants, Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin would team up with each other, but Randy Marsh would be their enemy. At least Cartman and Kyle would get along with each other, as well as with Squidward (who would probably tolerate SpongeBob more than Cartman).
    Oh, I can't believe I didn't make this connection with your user title until now. 😭
    Fun fact: When I was little I grew hyperfixated on Sonic after discovering some random AMV using clips from Sonic X while looking up a song from The Spongebob Squarepants Movie. (no, really.) That was kind of how I stumbled upon this.

    As for that last part of your About section...I still have yet to figure out where that came from. you and your silly mind games!!!!
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    That’s… not how I would expect someone to find out about Sonic 😂

    Also you should probably just assume that any user title I have is a Sonic reference at this point tbh lmao. I chose this one because I love that song.

    I still wonder if anyone will find out where that last part is from though. 🤔 Maybe you will… someday…
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    Your avatar is so ridiculously cute!
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    Thank you! I’m glad people seem to like it! It’s probably obvious already but it was made by @/MrBox!
    Thank you so much for the yellow candies. Hope you have a great day and good luck getting a rare candy .
    thank you for the yellow candy, homie!! I hope you get a cool candy (or 2) tomorrow!! 🤞🏻🩷 unless you eat my son.... then all you will get is
    Ahh, thank you for the yellow candy, Yoshi!! Even if it doesn't transform into any of the other rare candies, I appreciate the thought. ☺️
    Pass the copium
    So what rare candies are you aiming for this event? I'm rolling mainly for a pale wix candy (my friend needs one), but a corrupted rainbow candy would look cool in my inventory too.
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    Honestly I don’t really care which one I get. They all look pretty cool so I’d be fine with any, but the Pale Wix one would be the best since it’s the hardest to get. Sadly I doubt I’ll get any of them though. 😔
    • Hug
    Reactions: Suguri
    I hope you end up with something tomorrow! And thank you for the candy! I'm not sure if it's going to be the pale wix one though, but we'll see!
    Hey, buddy! I just sent 1,000 TBT your way for you to keep and use however you like. I can't express enough how grateful I am for your support and for being my forum friend, so I felt compelled to do this. Not like I'll be using it anyway! 💚 :blush:
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    I was just about to leave a message on your profile about this. Thanks so much Riley! That was so nice of you! I was not expecting that! I’m grateful for our friendship too! 😊
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