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  • You know how TV shows and movies have bloopers, or errors in production, right? What do you think of the bloopers covered by the trope Artistic License? And yes, I consider them to be bloopers because they are factual errors about reality. Some examples of it are about some glaring inaccuracies that only those with specialized knowledge would know that something is wrong.
    I think it’s a pretty interesting trope, especially because there’s a lot of different categories. It’s also interesting how the trope Shallow Parody is kind of an exaggerated version of the trope, just with people getting things wrong about the thing they’re parodying.
    Here are some inaccuracies that I didn’t know, that shows, movies, and games used:
    • In Total Drama World Tour, there was a tiebreaker challenge on who can feed koalas eucalyptus leaves. In reality, koalas don’t eat eucalyptus leaves alone. They eat off of a stem.
    • In the South Park episode Doubling Down, Heidi eats real meat. In reality, if someone who’s on a vegetarian diet for so long, then eating meat would make them incredibly sick.
    It’s also worth noting that both Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and Pixar’s Turning Red are just as historically inaccurate as Disney’s Pocahontas for these glaring flaws:
    • At the beginning of Beauty and the Beast, the village is depicted as a happy village when in reality, a poor village like that would be miserable during the time the movie was set in.
    • In Turning Red, one of the characters sends text messages. Back then, texting wouldn’t be available for kids that age, and each text is very expensive to send.
    Hello Yoshi I just thought I should let you know I finally made the time to check out your dream address. Your town is neat. I like the arrangement of houses and your flowers are cute. I like your house, my favorite room is your bedroom and the room with all your villager photos in it. Thank you for letting me visit :)
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    Thanks for visiting! I’m glad you liked it, I thought that my town was kind of messy.
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    Great sig right now. One of the sadder endings.
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    Yeah, I loved this ending. I think it single-handedly made this episode one of my favorites of the season so far.
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    I’m sorry to say, but I won’t be using the Random Thoughts thread anymore. If you want to communicate with me, you can post on my profile or send a PM (or post on one of my threads I created).
    I’ll have to be honest. TV Tropes has been going downhill. “An Aesop” has been made definition only, “Some Anvils Need to be Dropped” has been dropped, “Reality Ensues” has been replaced with “Surprisingly Realistic Outcome” (with stricter rules), and the Real Life examples for “Early Installment Weirdness” page has been cut.

    I may have to browse through the Wayback Machine in the future.
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    I never noticed that, but I think I can kind of see what you mean. But Some Anvils Have Been Dropped wasn’t removed, it’s just called Anvilicious now.
    What I liked about the original trope is that it taught a moral of the story that challenges a norm that the writer finds to be morally wrong that even the audiences would agree.
    I know this post was from weeks ago, but I think that Some Anvils Have Been Dropped was also merged into Hard Truth Aesop.
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