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  • im sorry :^(
    I always try to 100% games but I always eventually go "I'll come back for this later" and never collect it + 100000 more things lmao
    yaay you're feeling better <3 *puts u back together*
    rip no doggie combo (so....he's failing horribly right?)
    I haTE when that happens it pisses me off its like damn you're so close but yet so far...
    they happen in the post game and they're hard to obtain, like why did Nintendo do this. awh sends you more healing vibes heheheh also rip u
    nooo lmao now there's no bonus :^( omg he's tryin to be a smooth dog :0
    I can't help it that I suck so much!!! I literally cannot play platformers im so horrible at them. oy vey wait until you get to the green star quest. aww beb I hope you get better soon, migraines are horrible :^<

    marty..., we're in the future!!!!
    don't worry I'll cure u with a dose of pomeranian
    It's all good! I realized that after I picked it up. I was like... hey... I don't get to use the thingies!
    Pomeranians are so fluffy and they kill me every single time I see them. all dogs are top dogs. dog is life.
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