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  • I'm not sure for some because I can't speak for all people but it is for me lmao
    that reminds me when I was in 2nd grade my best friend's mom was giving away puppies that they couldn't take care of and she and I were planning out how I could smuggle one of them haha.
    it was a cute lil Pomeranian aww
    alright if ur sure. yeah I just woke up and I was turning on my computer and I was like "oo got a vm I'll answer it after I finish"
    it took me 30 minutes to get to your vm.

    :lemon: dogs dogs dogs I want a dog
    u sure????? also Pokemon shuffle is addicting :00000
    yes you can be the dog of honor
    Shall we say about 5pm your time? That will be 7pm for me, and would be perfect cause I can get a few beers in by then :cool:
    it seems reasonable don't be too hard on your past choices :^)
    yeah, like wtf Nintendo, r u ok...,
    I approve of this hug
    Pokemon trozei was so fun I want it again /):^:(\
    I was like "this better not be a demo" when I saw it, they rarely release free to play games :0
    wikihow is v informal ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3 on my way to hug u
    nevermind about the trozei thing, my brother messed up and he says you gotta pay for it, it's just an email saying that it's availible in the shop :/
    I lived a bad life come here bb yeah it's sharp so I accidentally poke my tongue a lot.
    also there's apparently a promotion for club Nintendo members who registered two pokemon game codes?? idk my brother got a pokemon trozei download from CN and its a cute game for the ds I played it so much when we had it. my brothers being very vague about it so idk if its free to all members or what.

    and there's pokemon shuffle in the 3DS shop for free btw
    rip me its 9 degrees out here (roughly -12 Celsius) im gonna die. llets go to the dentist together or smth...I hate the dentist yes it bothers me and I run my tongue over it a lot :////
    ILL FREEZE omg. it isn't happening again right?? thank you, I will need it. I had this chip front tooth ever since I fell when I was younger and I asked my mother if I could see someone about it because it bothers me so much, even though it's very tiny >:/
    there are some emotions that cannot be represented sadly :(((((
    also ye sure ily bb <<3
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