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  • Hi! I have a favor for you. I bought a Friday the 13th Candy from someone and now I want a message on it. I could've told them what message to put there earlier but I'm afraid it wouldn't be the same, which is why I'm asking you. Basically, I want a message referencing a certain OC of yours that I have a crush on. Let me know if you're fine with that and I can gift it to you for a bit.
    TYSM for the collectibles!! I didn't expect to be gifted two of them. :P You gotta believe!! Love you!! 💜❤️
    Wow, I should listen to this sometime! XD
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    Mustard packets XD

    The song is "Sweating Bullets", from their Countdown To Extinction album. There's no expletives in it, so it's completely safe. I would suggest watching the music video, because it's pretty comical. 😂
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    I just watched the music video, and now I know what they mean by DMPM. OMG, too many Mustard packets! I ended up laughing. XD Of course, the lyrics are no laughing matter...! Thanks for introducing me to the song. :D
    No problem, I'm happy to introduce you to more Megadeth songs! Even though Sweating Bullets isn't my absolute favorite track, I do appreciate its lyrical content and what it stands for (even if the music video didn't exactly execute the idea very well).
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    your lineup is so pretty I love it!!!
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    Thank you! The black collectibles are some of my favorites and I'm very happy with my lineup. 🖤
    black collectibles are so underrated fr!! they go so well with the purple collectibles oml 🖤💜
    I know right? I made a black & purple lineup not too long ago and it's one of my favorites I've done. Such a nice color combo!

    Oh, and off-topic, but I also saw that you're looking for a Master Ball. Good luck on your hunt!
    OMG You didn’t need to send me those TBT… You know I could earn them myself, right??? T^T But TYSM anyway… ILY!!! 💜💜
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    Don't worry about it! I have a good 2k TBT to spare (the rest is reserved for a dream collectible), and I'm happy to help my friends with any collectibles they're looking for. ^^ And I understand that it's hard to accumulate tons of TBT through posting!

    Love you, too. 💜
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    Just like I said on Xara’s profile, I don’t think you’re annoying in your posts. I really like reading them. You’re a really nice member of the site and you’re definitely the opposite of annoying!
    Yo, I gotta question about your "A-Z of Song Lyrics" thread! It's hard to find verses that start with the letter X, so is it okay for words that start with "ex-" to count to make up for that?
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    That's a good question! I'll allow it, since I imagine finding lyrics with "X" would be difficult. You can also skip it if you want.
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    Thank you! Would the same apply to Q and Z as well? :0 (I mean, I did find a Q verse, but still...)
    Yes, it goes for those letters as well!
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    Dude, there’s been SO many times where I was watching Futurama and I found some funny out of context quotes, and I wanted to post it but then I remembered that you already posted it, lmao.
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    Haha yeah, Futurama is just a goldmine of hilarious and out of context quotes honestly. 😂 The jokes in that show are out of this world (literally).
    Hi! I have a suggestion for you to consider so you can continue drawing digitally. I've seen people use these drawing pad thingies with their computer. I think they're cool, so maybe try looking into them! Here's one as an example. :)
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    Ohh, that's cool! I didn't know those existed, haha. Thank you for sharing this with me. I might check it out once I'm in the mood for some digital drawing.
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    NP! It's probably gonna take some getting used to, just so you know. It's not the same as drawing directly on the screen, after all.
    (Responding to this post) Oh my goodness, you just made my day. Now I can't even watch that video again without laughing and thinking to myself, "Wowzers, I can't believe Dave Mustard himself is the sports commentator here!" 💀
    ey do you still watch Poofesure? I just saw that he uploaded a new video at like 1am, simply titled "how" and it's FOURTY-THREE MINUTES LONG LMAOOO

    I think he might be going for that "hitting the green" platinum again haha 😅💀
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    I stopped watching his videos around the time his Wii Sports content was slowing down, but I'm glad he's posting more on the series. I saw that video recommended on my feed a few times. And damn, 43 mintutes?! I gotta watch it now. 😂
    yeah he's been posting a lot of Wii Sports and Wii Party stuff again. I haven't watched him in forever (though I recently went back and re-watched his two videos on Lights Camera Pants lol), but I feel like a 43 minute long video of an adult man raging at a game with a cartoon character playing golf is just peak youtube 😂
    Hi! Just a heads-up, I might change my username soon. I like BobRocks20 and all, but it doesn't really speak to me anymore and I kinda want to distance myself from my upbringing in Scratch because I'm getting too old for that website. So...yeah!
    (Responding to your recent post on the "What's Bothering You?" thread) I'm speechless...and you're scaring me. Please don't go too hard on yourself... I hope you take back what you said about school once you get better because I'm starting to get worried about you, and I feel sad thinking about it... 😥 (oh, and if I sounded rude I'm so sorry...I have zero intent to provoke you, and I wanted to check to make sure you're doing well.)
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    It's all good, I'm just under some stress at the moment. I can be real harsh on myself, I didn't mean to worry you. 😭 I only have about a month of school, so I can take a breather during the summer by then. I appreciate you checking up on me.
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    Reactions: Suguri
    I changed my PFP and my signature image recently and I noticed something. The former was drawn by MrBox and the latter was drawn by LittleMissPanda. Now, guess the two artists who did your icon and signature...
    MrBox and LittleMissPanda!
    I swear, this didn't happen on purpose! It was just a stinkin' coincidence!!

    Ok you really have to give this girl a listen, she's only soon to be a teenager and her vocals are already the level of intense matt heafy and chris motionless are at.
    Thank you so much for the Mother's Day Carnation! That was really sweet and generous of you to do 🥺💗 I hope you've been doing well
    (Responding to this post) Well, I guess you could say that! I'd like to have a pet cat sometime, but right now I can't. My mom insists on getting a dog (though I like dogs too) and my dad wants an aquarium. And they both believe that cats have an alien parasite that can infect your blood, so there's that ^_^;
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    Reactions: ZeldaCrossing64
    That really sucks! Dogs and fish are nice, but cats are my favorite pets for a reason. I hope you'll be able to have one in your life at some point.

    You can have some pics of my cats in the meantime, their names are Caramel and Wookie.
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    I have a habit of bringing a random thing to school because it puts me at ease for some reason. Today's random thing just so happened to be my amigurumi C! Oh and I drew this comic too. I might post the comic as a separate photo in my art thread (after I release Guest at the Store). I also posted this image in that “What are you happy about today” thread, so, uh, check it out while you’re at it. I don’t see you post on there a lot tho.
    Oh, my heart! I love seeing my little Char, I'm very happy that you like them a lot as well. 🥰 Love the comic, too! Thank you for sharing with me. 💜

    (Oh, and guess what song just autoplayed as I sent that message...)
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