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100 Floors - Commentary (Part 5)


Old > New
Sep 9, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Today is the last day of the 100 Floors commentary made by me. I went over the Main Tower and the Annex Tower, now it’s about the other two towers.

  • The Seasons Tower currently has 15 levels on each of the three holidays: Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s. Based on the music and the puzzles, the Christmas one is the best by average, and the Halloween one is the worst.
  • The first five floors of the Halloween section wasn’t too bad. Like on the Main Tower, some involved association, as others involved processes. My favorite floor here is Floor 5, which is a memory test of whacking pumpkins.
  • The next five floors is the worst of not just the Halloween section, but also the worst of the Seasons Tower. Not that they are bad, but the rest I enjoyed more.
  • The last five floors in the Halloween section is the best of the Halloween section, but it also ends here. The best floor in this part would have to be the whole color addition puzzle, which is near the end.
  • Like the Halloween section, the first five floors of the Christmas section were alright. But they were better than the Halloween counterparts. The one I had the most trouble with to begin with was Floor 2, which apparently was glitchy back when I tried it. Floor 5 had an interesting variation of lights out, but it was a disappointment because of how easy it was.
  • Floors 6 to 10 was the best part of the Seasons Tower in general. The puzzles were the most fun at this point. Especially Floor 6 and Floor 10.
  • Floors 11 to 15 is when the Christmas section is at the worst. Although 12 and 15 were great, the others did not live up to the expectations as the previous did.
  • Just like the first five floors in both the Halloween and Christmas sections, the Valentine’s ones were fine to begin with. My favorite one in this part is Floor 4.
  • Floors 6 to 10 was the best part of the Valentine’s section. The puzzles were taken to a new direction there. Floor 9 was confusing at first, but after learning what it means, I am fine. 10 was the best here.
  • Floors 11 to 15 was the worst of the Valentine’s section. I didn’t like Floor 11, 14 was too simple, and 12 felt like a repeat puzzle from the Halloween section.
  • The first five floors of the Castle Tower start out in the dungeons. The puzzles were simple in general opposed to the more complicated puzzles I was used to doing. For that reason, I didn’t like the first five floors at much.
  • The next five floors were more interesting. Especially 7 and 8 due to use of associations. But there were also puzzles I didn’t like there.
  • The last five were okay by average. There’s room for improvement on Floors 12 and 14 due to simplicity, but 13 and 15 stood out well.

That’s it for Part 5 of my commentary. Now I’m going over what my favorites and least favorites of these towers.

Favorite Halloween Floor - Floor 14: To open the doors, you must fix the button on the side, and then highlight the two colors each letter builds into. The order is from left to right.
Least Favorite Halloween Floor - Floor 10: To open the doors, you must place the brick blocks that spell numbers to get 10/31.
Favorite Christmas Floor - Floor 10: The first step is to place the knight chess piece. Each move changes the color of the square. You want to change all squares to black. But the knights can only move in an L-shape.
Least Favorite Christmas Floor - Floor 11: To open, you must break the tile with a crack, and then sort them out until the tiles match the tiles behind them.
Favorite Valentine’s Floor - Floor 10: To open the door, you want to use the arrow keys to move the red and blue hearts around. Both move at the same time, and you want them to be in each others’ spots.
Least Favorite Valentine’s Floor - Floor 11: To open, you must tap on the highlighted dots as fast as you can until all six are highlighted.
Favorite Castle Floor - Floor 15: To open, you want to draw the constellations to make the best match possible with the dots you can draw on.
Least Favorite Castle Floor - Floor 12: To open, just put in the code 1243.

And that’s it for my 100 Floors commentary.