Giveaway πŸ’Ÿ 100 mil, Rares, Unorderable Sets, Golden Roses, and more! 🌟 🌈 πŸ€ πŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

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Thanks for this lovely giveaway!
I'd love to enter :)
I tried to draw one of my favorite villagers Savannah. Sorry it's not colored. Whenever I color I mess up the whole thing xD
Savannah Drawing.jpg
Haiku of the day! ^_^
I load up my town
Excitement fills my body
I live for this game
Poem time let's go!
I love my town,
But Gigi's horrific.
She left my town
And now it's terrific!
Walked through mud
Tears were everflowing
Thought he
Defined me

I thought I could never be happy again
Until ACNL cured my depression
And my best friend gave me a ten out of ten

sorry, i haven't written a poem in years cx
we all have our backstories as to why we joined ACNL.
this is one of the reasons why i joined!
After 4 hours Entry
Total Entries: 5

(I'm not proud of this joke)
What do you call a piece of butter thats been thrown out the window?
A butterfly
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