12 or 24 hour digital clock

clocks on time

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In theory, the 24 hour clock makes way more sense, but I grew up with the 12 hour clock and it would take way too much effort to get mentally used to a 24 hour clock.

fwiw, it's far simplier to adjust to than it probably feels like

the crux of things is just

0:xx=12:xx am
13:xx-23:xx=h-12 pm (or to think another way 12+x=24 hour time, where the x is the converted time... so say 17:34, 12+5=17, so converted time is 5:34 pm)

soon enough you'll be able to manually convert on the fly
I grew up with the 12h clock so that one is easier for me but i prefer the 24h clock because I can NEVER tell if 12am/pm is midnight or noon. I’ll also have to use 24h for work in the future so better get used to it now
12 am is midnight, 12 pm is noon

but yeah, that is another benefit. the new day starting at 0:00

like who tf was the ******* that decided to make a new day start at 12:00? and on top of that it goes 12:00 am-1:00 am, all the way up to 11:59 am.... and then at the new 12:00, it suddenly switches to pm

like switching from 12:59 am to 1:00 pm and vice versa would've made far more logical sense
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12 hour since that is what I grew up with. It takes me several seconds to decode 24h time.
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12 hour for me because it's what I grew up with. I can tell the time for the 24 hour one, but since I'm so used to the 12 hour, I'll stick with that for now. Either is fine though. :)
12 hour, as many said I too have grown up with it/the time used in my country.

The 24 hour clock would take some time for me to figure out, but it's not bad. It does make sense that a new day starts at 0:00.
I grew up using the 12 hour clock, and whenever I see a time written using the 24 hour format I have to do some quick math in my head to figure out what it says. lol
I already lose track of time after the 13th hour of the 24 hour format. I am more familiar with the AM PM format so it?s understandable. Don?t even forget about temperature measurements between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
I guess the 12 hour clock since I'm used to it. 24 hours would be cool, if [British colonized countries] didn't use literally the opposite of everyone. :3
I've had digital watches all my life so I've become accustomed to 24 hour time, hence why I probably prefer it. 12 hour time just feels wrong for some reason? I like the exact indication of what time it actually is, and it's useful when you're travelling and whatever I guess.
I'm used to the 12 hour clock since that's what is used most places in the US, so that's what I voted for. But I don't have a problem with the 24 hour clock, either. When I worked for the post office, my hours were posted based on the 24 hour clock and I got used to it really quickly. So I can handle either.
24 hour clock by all means makes more sense but i hate it
As other members have said throughout the thread, I'm more used to the 12 hour clock since it's more common here. That said, I find myself preferring the 24 hour clock.
We use the 24h format in my country but I'm obsessed with America (Lmao that sounds weird. Okay it is weird) so my phone is on 12h and my alarm clock also but all the other clocks in the house aren't so I always have to switch in my head. Anyways I voted for 12h
Voted 12 hour since it's slightly easier to read...But I think I would actually go with the 24 hour clock.

I have to take a moment to work it out at certain times, but they're always easy to read since it's just numbers. There's too many 12 hour clocks around with stupid designs where you can't tell what the friggin' time is without sitting down for 5 minutes trying to solve the needless riddle whoever made the piece of crap created.
I prefer the 12-hour clock. It’s how I grew up with it, and how I will live with it.

What’s strange is that even if a new date begins at 12:00 AM, a new day in Animal Crossing begins at 6:00 AM (when the game refreshes itself).
Either works fine for me! :3 I personally prefer the 12 hour clocks, but I don't mind the 24 hour one cx