Giveaway |★| 15,000 BTB+ | YAS GUYS YAS! WINNERS PG13382

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wow, tat's pretty good. I've never cosplayed before, I'd probably suck

Ahh, thanks so much! And honestly, not at all. I am barely an artsy person, but with a lot of hard work, and a lot of mess ups, I finally managed c:

And thank you mayor essy!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I was playing a match and somebody said "stop trolling and play nice" and I was like "but I'm a noob ;-;" and the team was "oh come on you're joking" #no

Ugh how frustrating. Honestly in your early levels, I suggest playing bots for a bit. It helps you get a hang of the game. I played bots till I was like lvl 15 xD
My brother is lvl 18 and still grinding bots because it's not fun playing without friends pvp.

And I gotta say, he's really good.
Aw, that's too bad :c
It'll be my third con. I went to Otakon last summer. Hoo boy that was a trip, and such an incredible one! I didn't cosplay for it though ; n ;

I just went to Otakon this summer! haha I'm much closer to that con :3
Eeep!! So glad to see another fellow cosplayer!! (≧∇≦)b Your jinx cosplay is awesome!! Really great job on making it Lulu! (*?ω`*)
I feel kinda left out. I went to comic con this year and that was it
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When I first bought sapphire alpha I promised to complete the pok?dex...two months later my 3ds got broken... I got it repaired... guess what... okay so technically the guarantee wasn't able to repair the 3ds another time but Idk how (Good??) it managed to get repaired, I seriously started to catch pok?mon... IT GOT BROKEN, ANOTHER TIME. JUST #NO

I am cursed or something I've had all the nintendo ds and all of them got broken in less than a year just a month or two before it birthday the 3ds XL was the only one that survived a year ;-;
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i tried a new style of art with mayor-essy's mayor and i'm not sure how i feel abt it o.o btw i know one of them is super small.

i tried a new style of art with mayor-essy's mayor and i'm not sure how i feel abt it o.o btw i know one of them is super small.


Ghfsdhfjdsjkhfkj OMG such a cute style. I like how it looks. thank you so much. ;~;
i don't cosplay lol my brother does. whenever he goes to nyc for comic con i just go shopping..
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