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also i've always wondered this but i was too scared to ask but has anyone else literally never been on irc? cause i feel like that's where the friendships happen but i'm scared i'll go on and they'll be like 'get out' even though i know no one would do that

Umm what's irc?
also i've always wondered this but i was too scared to ask but has anyone else literally never been on irc? cause i feel like that's where the friendships happen but i'm scared i'll go on and they'll be like 'get out' even though i know no one would do that

literally never have bothered
I've been on this forum practically every day since I signed up, but I've never felt the need to post anything so it seems quite strange for me make one post and gain multiple friends..
Thanks, you guys! \(;u; )/
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I AM SO EXCITED! i have never felt this deep a connection with someone so fast i know this is the real thing my precious ray of sunshine

YES I DO! it's one of the first things i noticed about you when you joined, i still remember the line of villagers you had as your signature right???? unless i'm being really dumb and that wasn't you. either way your art is rad and you are rad <3

LOL yes, I had some type of rainy sig or something. I deleted my town tho cause I haven't kept track with it and lost a heap of stuff(such as flowers) then I became lazy. And thank you u vu
You seem pretty rad yourself, but still a warm vibe tho.
Umm what's irc?

Internet Relay Chat. Under the chat tab on the top right.

I've been there a few times, but I'd have to keep reopening the client every minute or two or it'd automatically close.
I AM SO EXCITED! i have never felt this deep a connection with someone so fast i know this is the real thing my precious ray of sunshine

ME TOOOOO! Q_Q you are my long lost sister? you must be? WE ARE FINALLY REUNITED TOGETHER AS ONE!!
p.s that little alpaca in your sig is beyond adorable * v*

anyone got skype?

- - - Post Merge - - -

I AM SO EXCITED! i have never felt this deep a connection with someone so fast i know this is the real thing my precious ray of sunshine

ME TOOOOO! Q_Q you are my long lost sister? you must be? WE ARE FINALLY REUNITED TOGETHER AS ONE!!
p.s that little alpaca in your sig is beyond adorable * v*

anyone got skype?
I've been on this forum practically every day since I signed up, but I've never felt the need to post anything so it seems quite strange for me make one post and gain multiple friends..
Thanks, you guys! \(;u;)/

Feel free to msg me anytime you need someone to talk too! c: Don't be shy people! lol.

- - - Post Merge - - -

ME TOOOOO! Q_Q you are my long lost sister? you must be? WE ARE FINALLY REUNITED TOGETHER AS ONE!!
p.s that little alpaca in your sig is beyond adorable * v*

anyone got skype?

- - - Post Merge - - -

ME TOOOOO! Q_Q you are my long lost sister? you must be? WE ARE FINALLY REUNITED TOGETHER AS ONE!!
p.s that little alpaca in your sig is beyond adorable * v*

anyone got skype?

I has le Skypuuu ~ xricecakex *u*
Ok. Question:

How come nobody requests art of the Able sisters? Are they underappreciated?!
Feel free to msg me anytime you need someone to talk too! c: Don't be shy people! lol.

Same goes for me. VM and PM's are always welcome. Or asks on tumblr. :3 I'm off for now I'll be back tomorrow. Good night everyone. :D
Good night mayor-essy c:

And yes. Vm/pm are always welcomed and I would love to make new friends ~
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