Giveaway |★| 15,000 BTB+ | YAS GUYS YAS! WINNERS PG13382

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speaking of dogs, i'm trying to convince my fam that we need another dog in our lives. i really want a pitbull they are just so cute imo
try to guess my favourite breed of dog!
2 guesses per person, you can guess in text form or image form, doesn't really matter c:
prize: 500tbt!
i'll be lurking in the thread and will declare the winner if someone guesses right, so don't think im ignoring you!

this contest with be going for 30mins from now, if noone guesses right, i'll pick my favourite from the guesses

cocker spaniel or poodle?
Your favorite dog is MY dog...LOL


German Shepherd
I'll be 17 when this contest ends hehe...

Not sure why that was quoted.?
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Hmm.. I'm deciding either between a Corgi or a Beagle? hahah idk! but they're both cute too x3
i'm gonna go with husky! if no one has guessed it yet! and dachshund! the mini ones are so cute

i'm 22! any 22ers in the house??
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Pomeranian or husky?

Edit: a..ah both my guesses guessed alrdy
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ah all the dogs mentioned are adorable!! some of youse gussed my 2nd / 3rd favourite, but noone has guessed my fav favourite yet!
i'm gonna go with husky! if no one has guessed it yet! and dachshund! the mini ones are so cute

i'm 22! any 22ers in the house??

I'd feel bad if anybody was 21 during the 9+10=21 phase. I'm surprised there are many 16 year olds on here, I've found out that either people are about 3 years younger than me 30+
This is my puppy lol
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ah all the dogs mentioned are adorable!! some of youse gussed my 2nd / 3rd favourite, but noone has guessed my fav favourite yet!

I'm thinking.. either a pompom/yorkie/ or a maltese c:
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