Giveaway |★| 15,000 BTB+ | YAS GUYS YAS! WINNERS PG13382

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ah all the dogs mentioned are adorable!! some of youse gussed my 2nd / 3rd favourite, but noone has guessed my fav favourite yet!

Combing through our old conversations to see if you ever mention a dog....'s NOT cheating!
I'm 24 ;^;.. but still kid at heart! please don't judge me harshly ~~
um pitbull, chihuahua, dachsund, mini poodle, teacup pomeranian, american eskimo
But my dog is cutie cute! He's mainly Australian Shepard (but mixed with s couple other things). Here's a pic! image.jpg
1 day. 85 pages.

That's kinda scary. D'you suppose it'll slow down at all?
noone has mentioned it yet!
2 extra guesses for all!
hint: they can be coloured blue, red, b&w and other colours i am not that bothered to type :_~~
I'll add in a schnauzer to my doggy list lol
noone has mentioned it yet!
2 extra guesses for all!
hint: they can be coloured blue, red, b&w and other colours i am not that bothered to type :_~~

What? Last guess: Goldendoodles and boxers: I'm so confused
golden retrievers??

that on dog that looks like an all white panda??

corgis, CATS
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