I really want a hammer but the apple and peach are brand new
Can you give me a link to your collecible shop? I need collectibles, I only have 1 rare, and 2 uncommons
buy 5 waluigi eggs
sure but the stock is depleted, candy hoarder (Jacob) have a lot of stock
I have 3 togepi eggs, I wanna keep them but I cant, I think I am gonna sell 2 of them
So people are saying yes and no
Ewww Hippeux is in boxes. And it gets worse. Welcome Barold
buy 5 waluigi eggs
well i sold a bunch today so i have no yellow candies, 1 green, and 5 red xD im running low on candies, but halloween is comin so i decided to stop buyin them
- - - Post Merge - - -
Well it's up to you really.
For me personally, I rather keep ahold of it before selling it. It's mostly because you're one of the few to ever withhold an hammer(35) compared to the people who have a peach/cherry. They're good too but I'm thinking profit. It's an tinierme thing.
How much do the togepi eggs sell for?![]()
I only want rare colectables and my birthstone xD.
Yeah. :3
Wait, only 35 people have hammers? Screw dat, I'm keepin it!
May I ask what kind?
2k max