Day One
It was nearing the end of the work day. The supervisor was making his rounds around the office, making sure that nobody stopped doing work at that they were all faithfully following Big Brother.
"What fools!" He thought as he walked back to his office, as he was quite high up in the inner party. The concept of Big Brother was quite laughable in itself.
As he turned the corner, he heard some voices from the lunch room. "Reason to reduce their rations he thought."
Just as he was about to open the door to see who it was he heard the word "revolution".
Puzzled, the supervisor decided to wait a little long to see what the talk was about.
"After we seize control of the broadcast systems and control the televisions, the proles will riot and the party will fall!"
"Good heavens, a talk of rebellion! The ministry of love will take good care of those two."
As the supervisor walked away, quietly, he neglected to look behind him.
His body was found soon after, shot through the head. But the revolutionists were able to shut down the building from the inside. The workers were trapped, with no way out, no means of contact, with the fate of the party and Oceania in their hands
Dolby the Supervisor was found dead
You have 47 hours until the end of Day One