Hello! Merry early Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate), everyone! I'm looking forward to spending time with my family, friends, and my boyfriend. I'm actually going on vacation with my boyfriend so I'm suuuuper stoked about that ahhh- It'll be our first vacation together~
Yay, thanks for hosting this giveaway! My TBT count can use a little upgrade
For the holiday season I look forward to being together with friends and family, taking some town to wind down and appreciate everything we have and everything that the past year has brought us. For the next year I'm looking forward to moving into our new house and making it our home! It'll be quite some work as we have plenty to do still, but I'm really looking forward to making it our own
Congratulations on an amazing lineup! Thank you also for a lovely giveaway to launch us into the festivities of the holiday season
While I am looking forward to Christmas this year I am mostly looking forward to 2020. I?ll be going overseas to Japan for a holiday, I?ll be going with friends, my bf and my brothers. I am also looking forward to progressing further in uni. I?m probably most excited about the big family events coming up in 2020 including a few birthdays, lots of beach cricket in January now that summer is here and a few other things.
Good luck to all entrants and congrats to everyone for making it through most of this year. I for one am exhausted.
I'm looking forward to get a new job in 2020 which makes me fun and I also want to change some things in my life in a positive way. For the holiday season... All I want is just lots of snow. ;-;
Thank you very much for this giveaway and also congrats on getting your dream lineup!
For the Holidays what i'm most looking forward to is spending time with family,and in 2020 I would like to put myself out there more and care less what others think of me.
Everyone before this post has been added so far (liked your post as well as confirmation). Once we reach 40 entries, I will be doubling the amount of prizes to 6 and will be increasing the amount of the current prizes! Additionally, I have also decided that I will make it possible to win multiple drawings as well.
Hey! Thank you for your generosity! I'd like to enter please!
What I'm looking forward to in 2020 is, of course ACNH's release! but aslo going to a concert I've been waiting for a long time in february!!
Wow! This is an amazingly generous giveaway!! I?m so happy to see that you completed your awesome lineup (looks wonderful btw)
In 2020 I am looking forward to things small and great - enjoying beautiful sunsets with family in our new home, feeling better in general health, maybe getting the Switch and new Animal Crossing game, continued happy exchanges and participation in our much loved forum ...
Hi! Thanks for hosting this. I'm exited to see all the lights and decorations outside! That's it. It's a little hard to think of anything else because I don't celebrate.