Latest developments:
- Got the Snowboard from Snowpapa
- Got the Ice wall from Snowmama (currently collecting more snowflakes)
- I've added 3 other characters:
Dakteo or "Doctor." He's from the west and the future, striving to cure this disease through the advent of modern medicine, even though the townsfolk are suspicious of his foreignness. As far as they're concerned, he's a demon.
Munyeo or "Shaman." She's the high priestess of our small region, relying on Chinese herbs and Korean pagan rituals to rid our mayor of the curse that runs through her body.
Jiyong (I'll delete this character to give him a proper role. I haven't decided if I want to make him the Mayor's loyal servant, a scholar to leave a history for the plague as it ravages the village, or to make him a farm hand. I made him primarily to check/plot reset if necessary for the 9th villager. Had to settle on an actual name since I didn't have access to the Korean dictionary at work).
- Lief's garden shop opened today ("today" being the 7th, until I'm on the current date).
- My 9 villagers are as follows: Peewee, Marcel, Margie, Friga, Roald, Cookie, Lopez, Agnes, Knox (moving in tomorrow)
- We've gotten our first infected animal: Lopez. Infection date: 1/7/2017
Plans for Damyang...
- The real Damyang's location is in what is now IRL South Korea (time setting will be in the 1300's at the height of the Black Plague for the region). It is the "bamboo capital" of the country, well known for it's bamboo goods and strawberries (cherries in-game are a fine substitute). I plan on having a Zen theme throughout (barring Dakteo, who will have modern amenities and a modern house) and it will be very agriculturally centered. Many trees will be deforested to leave just cherry trees and bamboo (some exceptions will exist). The town hinges on the gods looking favorably upon them and their resident leader as they fight against this disease for which they know not of...
- Got the Snowboard from Snowpapa
- Got the Ice wall from Snowmama (currently collecting more snowflakes)
- I've added 3 other characters:
Dakteo or "Doctor." He's from the west and the future, striving to cure this disease through the advent of modern medicine, even though the townsfolk are suspicious of his foreignness. As far as they're concerned, he's a demon.
Munyeo or "Shaman." She's the high priestess of our small region, relying on Chinese herbs and Korean pagan rituals to rid our mayor of the curse that runs through her body.
Jiyong (I'll delete this character to give him a proper role. I haven't decided if I want to make him the Mayor's loyal servant, a scholar to leave a history for the plague as it ravages the village, or to make him a farm hand. I made him primarily to check/plot reset if necessary for the 9th villager. Had to settle on an actual name since I didn't have access to the Korean dictionary at work).
- Lief's garden shop opened today ("today" being the 7th, until I'm on the current date).
- My 9 villagers are as follows: Peewee, Marcel, Margie, Friga, Roald, Cookie, Lopez, Agnes, Knox (moving in tomorrow)
- We've gotten our first infected animal: Lopez. Infection date: 1/7/2017
Plans for Damyang...
- The real Damyang's location is in what is now IRL South Korea (time setting will be in the 1300's at the height of the Black Plague for the region). It is the "bamboo capital" of the country, well known for it's bamboo goods and strawberries (cherries in-game are a fine substitute). I plan on having a Zen theme throughout (barring Dakteo, who will have modern amenities and a modern house) and it will be very agriculturally centered. Many trees will be deforested to leave just cherry trees and bamboo (some exceptions will exist). The town hinges on the gods looking favorably upon them and their resident leader as they fight against this disease for which they know not of...
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