2022 Holiday Advent Calendar - Final Door Open!

Thanks so much for doing the advent calendar this year. It's always nice to come on daily and listen to the music and find a prize.
I can't believe how quick the time has gone.
Hope all of you stay warm!
You probably have an extra one in your cart. Remove the ticket from your cart.
while it didn’t say I had that ticket in my cart, I just cleared out everything and started over and it worked!

…now how to get it to show up under my name/ info will be a different challenge!
Thank you for the Chocolate Coin! I love checking the Advent Calendar every day!

For those that haven't noticed, there's also 1 Chocolate Coin awarded for the Lost Bar quiz at the end, so that will be a total of 12 coins, enough for 3 candies.
Thank you for the Chocolate Coin! I always loved getting these at Christmas ahahah. I'm definitely going to try and get a full set of the candies available this year! ^^