If i can enter as many times as i want, can i enter 99999999999 times? ;3 ;3 Should've thought of putting a limit mwahahahah.
jk, enter me again! (2nd time)
i think i'm gonna end it midnight est sorry i should have put that in the main post but i hadn't really thought of an official end time (just that i wanted it to be 24hrs~) cause i'm dumb, lmao
hahaha. actually there's no rule on that, so~. LOL.
wait, if no rules on that then count me in for 99999999999999 entries ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3
(7th Entry) Wait, I'm in GMT so prepare for a delayed response, or a poorly worded message from me at 5 AM :3
that wouldn't be fair though! hahaaaa
- - - Post Merge - - -
after i message the two winners, there's 24hrs to respond before i randomise another person no worries
i was kidding but is each post an entry? if so this is my 4th
9th Entry
Here's my riddle:
Q: If I had a drone and I can't see it, what is it?
A: Broken
(I know this is trash)