Looking For 3 ❤ Dreamie Ostriches from Welcome Amiibo [Julia//Sandy//Sprocket]


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2018
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Yellow Violet
White Violet
Purple Violet
Spring Shamrock
100% (79) +
Hi everyone! I'm looking for these 3 villagers:
  • tumblr_inline_nf3zoqC6Fw1siyl8l.gif Julia <3 in town
  • tumblr_inline_nf3zpb3PwC1siyl8l.gif Sandy
  • tumblr_inline_nf3zp9u4NT1siyl8l.gif Sprocket

I'm playing acnl since 2013 and i have a only a dream:
Full ostrich town!
I have all the basics and i just miss only the new 3 ones...
Can you pls help me?

Actually i have ten villagers in my town but i can TT.
Last one, i need someone can explain me how works the "trade" with the money of the forum (TBT).

Thanks and i'm sorry about my English, i'm not native.
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Hi! I don’t have those villagers but I can tell you how to use TBT!
So you gain TBT from posting and making threads, and it’s actually pretty easy to get it! You can easily get 100 tbt per day just by posting.

Villagers usually cost anywhere from 10-25 tbt, with the more popular ones costing a bit more. If you click on the “Currency” tab, you can send TBT to someone else. When making a TBT trade for a villager, usually you will go to that persons town and make sure the unit you want is available/in boxes. I usually send the tbt while I’m still in their town. Then just get the villager to move in to yours and you’re good to go!
Thanks Moonglet, you've been very helpful! ^__^
I know I have Julia's card, but I'm not sure about Sandy and Sprocket. I'll check later today, but either way I'll be able to help with Julia
Just checked, and unfortunately I don't have the other two cards. Still can help with Julia though!
Wooooh this is amazing! *-* @AmethystKitty @Giddy

Now I really need to kick out Elvis, Sterling and Apollo! Give me few days!

In order, i prefer:
1- Julia
2- Sandy
3- Sprocket

I'm UTC+1, Rome

How can i pay?
Really?? ?_? You're so kind-hearted <3

Can i contact you with MP when i have a free spot in my town?
Sorry, i mean PM, MP is in italian ( Messaggio Privato)

PM = Private Message

But i can always write in this thread. xD
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Apollo finally is moving! (He is free adopt, contact me)
I can adopt Julia. :D
Julia is finaly in town thanks to @AmethystKitty

Now i'm looking for:

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