30 hours of work for Raymond finally paid off

i think that is such an unfair thing to say. you don't know anything about this person. sure they could cheat, but why be so pessimistic? plus i think nmt was something you couldn't duplicate. and people are using them as trading currency now, so maybe they sold off a villager and were paid nmt in return?

It is unfair, but there is no way you have that much NMT and NM without cheating, whether you do it yourself or have connection with someone else who does. Let say she sold off a very popular villager (Marshal/Raymond), she still getting pay from fraud because the person that can offer her that much NMT are duper themselves or got it from someone else who is a duper.

I said in another post, people who buy dupe crown/switch are no better than those who dupe. Or bascially everyone that trade with duper. Because without buyers, there is no market for duper at least in term of NMT.
Congratulations yo!! it stinks RNG wasn't in your favor on the islands, but the fact that in the end, even after all that, you're happy and you feel it's worth it then that's great! : D
It is unfair, but there is no way you have that much NMT and NM without cheating, whether you do it yourself or have connection with someone else who does. Let say she sold off a very popular villager (Marshal/Raymond), she still getting pay from fraud because the person that can offer her that much NMT are duper themselves or got it from someone else who is a duper.

I said in another post, people who buy dupe crown/switch are no better than those who dupe. Or bascially everyone that trade with duper. Because without buyers, there is no market for duper at least in term of NMT.
Chill lmao. Just let people play how they wanna play.

Congrats OP on getting Raymond!
I'm aware that people duplicated crowns for bells, but that doesn't mean OP did it. Accusing them of cheating is wrong.

OP doesn't have to do but she or he is connected to it because the only people who can have that many NMT who aren't duper themselves traded with someone who is. Which that said, I may have been harsh, I was just answering a question to the best of my ability.
It is unfair, but there is no way you have that much NMT and NM without cheating, whether you do it yourself or have connection with someone else who does. Let say she sold off a very popular villager (Marshal/Raymond), she still getting pay from fraud because the person that can offer her that much NMT are duper themselves or got it from someone else who is a duper.

I said in another post, people who buy dupe crown/switch are no better than those who dupe. Or bascially everyone that trade with duper. Because without buyers, there is no market for duper at least in term of NMT.

bro people really dont care about this stuff as much as you do. in my opinion, if i really wanted something i wouldnt care if i got it from "dupers" or "cheaters" because at the end of the day does it really matter? no on really knows or cares to know. if fact, you don't even care to know because you just came in guns blazing with accusations. you can sit on your moral high horse and spread negativity, but don't rain on other people's parade about it.

congratulations op!! it always feels amazing to get a dreamie, and raymond is a lovely villager.
OP doesn't have to do but she or he is connected to it because the only people who can have that many NMT who aren't duper themselves traded with someone who is. Which that said, I may have been harsh, I was just answering a question to the best of my ability.
So essentially you're saying not to trade with ANYONE really because the possibility of "dirty items" and "dirty money" can be in the pool? You shouldn't blame those who buy duplicated items, because they literally don't know what's duplicated and what isn't.

Coming onto a thread where someone is happy about an accomplishment and calling them a cheater makes 0 sense.
Wow kudos for doin all that. I got exhausted just from reading it and need to lie down now
Lol... I'm sorry, what? Don't know if people on this forum go above and beyond to be "nice" or if they are truly naive. Sorry, I actually have to disagree with many people in this post. Yes, Animal Crossing is not a competitive game, but there is a clear economy in the game for online play. Thus, duping to get ahead in the economy would be considered cheating because it affects the market which other players take part in.

I'm not agreeing that OP is necessarily guilty of duping; either duping oneself or benefiting from the duping of others is simply a necessary evil if you want to be a player in the market negatively impacted by cheating (duping). Why do you think moderators of this forum froze the trade of crowns and royal crowns? To mitigate the effects of cheating.

That being said, I don't care if people dupe or not. In fact, it's a given that people will cheat in this game. It will simply affect the way I approach the market if I want to take part in it.

So sorry to deviate so much from the point of this thread -- very happy that OP got his dream villager!
Congratulations on getting a dreamy, the dedication is inspiring, F the haters and complainers, crisp
Congratulations! I'm 400 NMT into my search for Raymond.

Just out of curiosity, how did you earn so many tickets? I'm grinding all day and the idea that someone could have had like 8x more than that is mind boggling.
I'll never understand the hype... he's just a cat with glasses
Nook Miles Tickets can't be duplicated, even before the glitch was patched. The only items that can be duplicated were items that can be placed. Nook mile tickets can only be dropped.

Please don't bring that kind of negativity on someone's positive post. Any and all NMT's in this game are all bought with Nook Miles, which cannot be hacked/duplicated/etc. This is a genuine purchase here.
It is cool that OP got Raymond! I am still looking for him, haha.
Hundreds of Nook Mile Tickets are actually being bought off eBay for real money, I think that’s where people are flocking to for that many.
In addition to use the word 'cheating' in a game where there is no competitive gameplay is ridiculous. This not a Not an esport! People and their little accusations. Take it somewhere else!

Cheating is cheating regardless of there being a competitive angle or not. If that makes people feel bad, then don't cheat...? Especially when they do stuff like that and TT then come posting on forums like this. It makes others feel bad and become anxious that they are somehow "behind" when in reality, the other people just have unrealistic amounts of resources available to them due to circumventing standard game mechanics and intended flow. Especially when trading/auctions are a supported meta of this site and the people that aren't doing shady things have no legitimate means for competing in bids in those circumstances then.

The game has been out for about 2 weeks and 1550NMT is 3.1 *million* points. I don't care how much of a powergamer you are, there is no physical way to earn that many tickets legitimately in that time period.

So yes, I am happy they finally got the villager they were looking for, since they clearly mean a lot to them, but that doesn't mean you need to overlook other factors that may have been involved.
It is cool that OP got Raymond! I am still looking for him, haha.
Hundreds of Nook Mile Tickets are actually being bought off eBay for real money, I think that’s where people are flocking to for that many.
20 dollars for 400 tickets though? Seems a bit steep haha
20 dollars for 400 tickets though? Seems a bit steep haha

Depends on your perception of money and the value of your time. If you make $20+ an hour it is easy to justify spending that much for something that would take dozens of hours to accomplish.
how in the world did you get 310+ million bells to purchase all those nmts omg... :cry:
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